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You Are One of the Strands of Humanity's Web

Golden Age Movement Team

Sri Amma Bhagavan Say You Are Not A Separate Individual

The root cause of all suffering is the sense of separate existence. We have a divisive consciousness that perceives things as the “me” and the “not me,” the “mine” and the “not mine,” as my people and yours, as my nation and yours. Having divided all things, we feel threatened by the other. Fear in turn breeds war, conflict and further forms of violence. Are we then beyond redemption? Are we to remain a bunch of pessimistic philosophers or apathetic on-lookers, bemoaning our collective doom?

Are We Doomed?

Not necessarily. We as a race are on the brink of a colossal transition, from one of separation to that of Oneness. We would awaken from darkness to light, from untruth to truth. We would realize the oneness of all living things. Though each of us may live different lives, located away from each other in space and time, we are biologically, emotionally and spiritually one.

What is meant by Oneness?

There is only one body. What happens to the animals in the seas happens to us – men and women. What happens to the forests happens to us, in our bodies, since our bodies, like the trees, are made of the same earth. Are not our bodies moving clay forms, endowed with intelligence? A conscientious effort at healing the earth would manifest as the ultimate healing of our own bodies.

There is only one mind. This is the mind that has flowed through our fore fathers, through us, and would in turn continue to live through our children and their progeny. The collective torment or fear, suffered by our own brethren, in one part of the world, would manifest as sleeping or waking nightmares to someone elsewhere in the world. Our pleasures and pains are interminably interlinked. We are one and cannot continue to live any further in an illusion of separation. There is only one consciousness. We live in a holographic universe. Every individual awakening into oneness, is automatically affecting a few thousand people, pushing them towards the only sane alternative way of experiencing reality.

Our experience of reality having changed, we would go on to discovering newer ways of living and loving. We would create a better planet for the present and the future. This is our shared destiny.

~ Sri Amma Bhagavan

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The Golden Age Movement USA-Canada supports the vision of Sri Amma Bhagavan to bring about an "Inner Golden Age" where humanity is free from suffering and experiencing connection and oneness with each other and all life.


Golden Age Movement USA-Canada is a part of a virtual global community. Community organizers are listed on the Create Course  and 74k Deeksha Yajna pages.

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