I once thought that "I" was extraordinary and life was ordinary, but now it's just the opposite: ”I” is common, but life is very, very extraordinary, joyful and surprising. Life has become alive.

Jarkko describes how there is no personal suffering and it's even hard to remember what it was like with his personal suffering because there's no one there who needs to be free of something. There is only witnessing and experiencing whatever it is, as it is.
Jarkko's Story
After the Awakening into the Golden Age 3-day course earlier this year, suddenly all the inner dialogues or obsessive thoughts disappeared. And there was this inner silence. And with that silence, the senses were free from thinking and thoughts. Before that, they were crowded or full of thinking or thoughts. Now there is no mind interfering.
All colors, sounds, tastes and smells can be fully experienced. And it's very surprising and joyful.
Also with the mystical change, the sense of self is dissolved. There was this realization, a deep realization, that the self was nothing but a concept, the mind was nothing but a thought, a concept, some kind of a bundle of stories.
So, there is no more personal suffering, and it is even difficult to remember what it was like with personal suffering. There is no one there who needs to be free of anything. There is only witnessing and experiencing whatever it is, as it is.
I cannot say it often enough, "Where before there was this thought that this "I" is something extraordinary, and life is ordinary. But now, it's just the opposite: this "I" is common, but life is very, very extraordinary, joyful, and surprising. Life has become alive," said Jarkko.
So, thank you Sri Paramjyothi Kalki Amma Bhagavan. I am very, very grateful to have this beautiful change.
Causeless Joy & Bliss
If you wish to experience these states of causeless joy and full bliss, participate in the 74,000 Deeksha Yagna and expand your life with the powers and miracles of SRI Amma Bhagavan.