Sacred Golden Age Movement Sites in India

World Oneness Center
Divine Power House for fulfilling heartfelt desires, dissolving problems and to move into higher levels of consciousness. Ekam also is a cradle for world transformation through meditation.
LOCATION: The Oneness Field (Ekam), Varadiahpalem Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh 517 541 India Google Map

Auspicious sacred place showering grace for ancestral liberation. Amongst many programs, Amavasya Pithru Shanthi Homa is a powerful solution to ancestor related problems.
Nemam Amma Bhagavan temple, Chennai Tiruvallur High Rd, Andersonpet, Nemam, Tamil Nadu 600124 India Google Map

Auspicious sacred place showering grace for childless couple to have Star children with good health, intelligence, wisdom and creative power.
Sri Bhagavan's Birth Place, Natham Bhagavan House, Natham Village, Mealalathor, Chedukkarai, Gudiyattam, Tamil Nadu 632602 India Google Map
Sri Amma Birthplace

Auspicious sacred place showering grace for unmarried to get married.
LOCATION: Sri Ammas Birth Place, Sangam Village, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh India Google Map