A life-changing 3-hour online course
A Powerful Step into
Causeless Love, Joy, Bliss
What if your your entire being could ring with bliss and happiness in just a few hours?
Would you say yes?
​With masses of people suffering from anxiety, depression, and a breakdown of relationships, we need a shift into a higher frequency. Our bodies are yearning for the health benefits of this nourishing gift, too.
Wanting happiness and holding a mindset to be happy is great, but in times of exhaustion or overwhelm, mindsets crumble because they take great effort to maintain.
There is a force greater than mindsets which is capable of giving you an effortless and vibrant joy. We call this inner state of causeless joy and causeless bliss by it's ancient Sanskrit name — Ananda!
The state of Ananda is not a mindset. The state of Ananda is a living consciousness and we want you to receive this state.​​​
Receive the GIFT of limitless happiness and your whole world changes.
Notice the word “receive.” Receiving the gift of bliss does not mean you need to already be happy or understand where happiness comes from. Through the benevolent grace of the Great Compassionate Light you can simply sign-up for this sacred and powerful process preparing you to receive The Gift of Ananda.
This is not happiness dependent upon things going well for you. This is happiness through your challenges. This is happiness which helps you see the solutions. This is happiness that one needs to thrive in life. This is happiness the world needs now more than ever. ​​​